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Food Safety Management Software to help you achieve Compliance Standards

At SafeFoody, we understand that food safety management in your business is a critical day-to-day operation that needs to achieve efficient and consistent compliance, reduce risks and improve business performance.

By implementing a SafeFoody service solution, food businesses can easily meet increasingly stringent customer and regulatory assurance requirements. Whilst our software has been designed to be simple-to-use and convenient, we have gone above and beyond to ensure the system is reliable, accurate and secure.

Businesses of all sizes in the food service, food retail, food manufacture and food distribution can use SafeFoody tools to meet their food safety management needs.

Our Values
Inspiring Growth Assuring Success
We are passionate about delivering beyond expectations; using industry leading technology, convenient and reliable solutions that meet the food safety management needs.
Precise Ideas Perfect Solutions
Our products are affordable, paperless, simple to understand and use, fast and reliable and we're a delight to deal with. We are focused on making life easier by transforming time-consuming, onerous recordkeeping into simple, streamlined, cost-effective solutions which work well each and every time.
Promising Excellence Delivering Brilliance
We strive to improve and meet or exceed our customers' expectations. We are committed to continuously improving our processes so that our services and products are industry best practice providing highest value to our customers.
Powerful Collaboration Effective Cooperation
What's right for our customers is at the heart of what we do. Our underlying platform of trust is critical to our success, we just don’t keep our customer data, we keep their trust
Technical Expertise Industry Experience
We expect to give a helping hand each and every day - we're here when you need us. We're problem solvers who provide peace of mind and inspire trust.
Personal Approach Proven Results
We care about everything we do and understand individual circumstances, and we're friendly and approachable. We can empathise with and respect our customers because working in a positive, caring atmosphere is important to us.