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We welcome all communications from both visitors or members but if you do have a question that we have not already answered in other areas of our site why not browse through our Frequently Asked Questions to see if we haven't already thought of your query.

A.1 Can I use my tablet device to create my food safety system?
Yes you can use your tablet device to create your food safety management system. Our software has been designed so that it will work on small screen and touch screen devices.
It is important to note however, that whilst our software does work on small screens, You may find that certain tasks are a bit fiddly to complete and in some cases icons, check boxes and drop down lists behave differently to how they would on a normal PC or laptop. We have tested our software on iPads (1,2,3) and Android devices and you can indeed create your system using these devices if you do not have access to a PC or Laptop.
Although you can access the system via a Smart Phone we don't advise you try and create your system using them due to the screen size.

A.2 Do I need to have Acrobat Reader installed to be able to use your system?
We would recommend that you do have Acrobat Reader installed to use our system. All the documents you create using our software are saved in the PDF format. However if you don't want to install Acrobat Reader you can still use our software if you use Google Chrome as your Internet Browser. This is because Google Chrome has a PDF reader embedded within it.

A.3 Do all browsers work with the SafeFoody software?
Yes, the software has been designed to work with all popular web browsers. We don't recommend any one browser in particular, however, if you don't have PDF viewer/reader you may want to use Google Chrome as this has PDF viewing ability built into it.
If you have problems using our on-line software with your bowser please email us.

A.4 Is it possible to have multiple users on one account?
There is no facility to have more than one user on a single account at this time. All individuals that need access to the system should use the same user name and password.

A.5 I have forgotten my password what do I do?
If you have forgotten your password simply go to the login screen. Click "Forgotten Password", enter your username or the email address you used when you signed up with us and we will email you information about how to change your password.
If you get really stuck, simply email us using the Tab in the "Contact Us" section of our site.

M.1 Can I pay for membership in monthly instalments?
All National Programme memberships are based on one single payment at the beginning of your subscription. If you are on Template or Custom FCP or RMP we can work with you on an instalment plan.

M.2 Can I add new sites after I have signed up?
Yes, you can. You can add an unlimited numbers of additional sites at any time whilst your membership is live. You will be charged in line with our standard pricing plan based on where the additional sites fit in.

M.3 How do I update my membership details?
Simply sign in using your Username and Password. Go to 'My Account' and click on 'Update Basic Details'. You can also change your Password from this location as well.

M.4 My business has moved, how do I update my account information?
If your business has moved you need to do two things. Firstly you will need to download any Food Safety Records you have created that used your previous address and save them. Then you will have to update your account information:
To do this, log in to the member’s area and select "Update Basic Details" - you can change your registered address that we have on our system. Once you have updated your basic details, you will need to create new food safety records for your new site based on new site requirements.
If you don't update your address details in this area your food safety system will continue to show the incorrect information.

M.5 Can I change the email address I used when I signed up for membership?
Yes you can. Simply log in using the email address that you signed up with. Click on "Update Basic Details". You can then edit your email address as required. Once your email has been changed all future correspondence to you will be sent to this new address. When you login next time you can use your new email address.

M.6 How will I know my membership is about to expire?
You will receive at least two email reminders prior to your membership renewal date to prompt you to renew your membership. We don't automatically renew your membership without your permission.

G.1 What do I do if I think SafeFoody system doesn't work for my business?
We are pretty confident that our food safety system will work effectively with 99% of all food businesses. If you believe that our system won't accommodate operations within your business you should contact us directly and we will assist you in adapting our system so that it will work for you.

G.2 Can I change the details of the sites I have registered?
This is fixed once you have added the sites basic information. If you need to change any of the business details you have to request this by contacting us directly on support@safefoody.com

G.3 Can I download the SafeFoody software?
No, unfortunately the software is not downloadable. It has been designed specifically to work as an On-Line service for users.

G.4 Why do I have to register all my sites on your system?
You need to register all your sites with us that require a food safety management system to ensure that they can generate their specific records using our software.
If you fail to register a site it will not have its own documentation within the document library and any documentation you use in the site will display the wrong details and will therefore be invalid.

G.5 Can I use your system for sites I haven't registered with you?
No, you cannot use our system for non-registered sites. Each site you register with us and allocate to a food safety system has its own unique set of documentation. Sites not registered will not have these documents available to use. Using documents from another site will render the system invalid.

G.6 Can each site have more than one safety system?
No, each site can only have one safety system allocated to it at a time. You can alter which site is allocated to which system very easily by clicking on the "My Sites" tab.

G.7 My membership has expired, can I recover my food safety records?
Once your membership has expired you will no longer have access to your member's dashboard or the food safety records you have created. To avoid you loosing access we do send you a number of reminders about renewing your membership from 6 weeks prior to your membership expiry date.

G.8 Can I use the record form on screen to enter my data?
All the record forms you create using our software are designed to be completed online. It is not recommended for any records to be printed and completed on hard copy as this will result in no data saving in database for retrieval at later date.

G.9 Can I add my own company logo to record forms and documentation?
You are unable to add your own company logo's to our documentation and record forms at this time. Your site name and address however, do appear on each document and record form.

G.10 When should I review the records and documents completed by my workers?
How frequently you check any safety documents and records completed by your workers will depend on the sort of documents you are using. In simple terms:
Daily Records: Should be signed off daily by a supervisor or manager
Weekly Records: Should be signed off at the end of the relevant week by a supervisor or manager
Monthly Records: Should be signed off at the end of the relevant month by a supervisor or manager
If the owner is not the person signing off records and documents directly they should review them periodically to ensure they are being completed and signed off correctly.

G.11 Do I have to upload completed records and documents to your system?
No, completed documents are saved online. You can download all completed record forms and documents as pdf for audit/inspection purposes.

G.12 Do you provide consultancy services?
We do provide certain consultancy services to businesses and organisations if it is required.